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Advice Request
Ankit Vaish
Ankit Vaish

Ankit Vaish



What kind of essential qualities does a person require to became a successful leader?
realistic thinker, quick decision taker,Positive thinker, Supportive,Motivation quality
Thoughts on Education system of our country
according to my opinion the education system of india have a very lake . our education system theoretical based. in our class room no conceptual talk , No real life connects, no objective .& the fact of our education system teacher engage in teaching student engage in studying no one here to learning . if you ask a question to the student why are you studying particular concept than the answer is its a part of my syllabus that why im studying this. how particular thing could be beneficial for them ,they don't know . there should be need of many improvement.
Influenced by
I have influenced every successful person. Because i spend only 25 years of my life & i have seen many of things in my life these period & i have taken something every moment of life.
Important decision
I select my job is one of important decision of my life when i start my carrier that time i found two way & i heard my hart voice & at present i mam working in publication
Degree that I recommend
According to me knowledge communication skill & personalty are three degrees certification for every one
Couple of years from now
Sky has no limit .at present my work is that work & learn. When i feel i have enough knowledge of my sector than i will start my own business.
Initiative to develop a country
If i m telling fact at present no one have time for others. & answer of your question, if every professionals give their profession only 1% for country than what could not have accomplish or achieve.
Ensuring success
i never give excuse to our company or seniors. because according to my opinion that excuse will not give any effect on my company or seniors only & only generate the difficulty for me. So i give my 100 % for my company & updated according to present requirement.
My family background
i have four shiv-ling .three brothers & one sister .My younger brother done & looking job. one another younger brother perusing .My sister done MA.My Mother is House wife & father is business man .My father name is Mr. Ravindra Vaish. My Family live in my home town Budaun (UP)
My strongest skill
i can manage my profile work easily . my skill is helpful to complete the work timely . i deal ours subordinate in a realistic way.
Important lesson learned
Every decision should be take by self weather decision can be small or big. Because its your life & after result whatever you have take decision you easily manipulate whats right or wrong in your decision
My role model
Every successful person is my role model because in this world only every person running behind the success.& if u inspire with success full person than definitely you will try something like that &get success . Because in this world without experience nothing find & every success full person have some experience related to respected field . so i can say in a short it might be a shortcut for you.
My achievements
In my first job i got my annual target in a first three month it is you can say my achievements.
Brief description about me
Hello Sir
i Ankit Vaish From a very small city(Budaun) of uttarpradesh. Righ now i am associate with AIETS as ASM in a bareilly. i have two years experience in a publication sector. Now i am managing the cce project related to cbse school. I am believe in my self because many time i has been take the help of other than i find result not came positive according to my expectation . Whenever i follow own decision thn that is far far good for me & my company. if i am talking about my strength i am create easily friendly environment according to situation or need. thatsby i joined the marketing sector
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