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Advice Request
Ankit Mishra
Ankit Mishra

Ankit Mishra

Assistant System Engineer

Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

Challenges facing by students
The biggest challenge faced by students is in finding the correct path which they need to focus in achieving their desires because during our studies many of us are not clear about our career goal and very confused in choosing the profession and field, like after completion of studies many of us are confused in getting Govt. sector and private sector. So there is need of some council-ling and support from parents, teachers and friends to help us in choosing the correct path.
First Job Expectation
The top three things that are most important to me when looking for a job are :
1. Job Security - The most important thing is job security, no one wants to loose a job without any reason and want to be secured about job.
2. Value to employee - The job should provide satisfaction and value to each employee.
3.Rewards according to work done : Rewards and increment should be done without partiality among the employees and there should not atleast decrement in the salary because on present salary each one of us planned for future and many things are dependent on the salary e.g. loans.
Career Expectations
As a Computer Science Btech graduate there are lots of revolutionary technologies and platfarms which are leading to change the future.
Family Background
My family is a middle class family from Agra and now settled in Delhi. My father is P.G.T in Govt. School in Delhi, my mother is a house wife.
I have 2 sisters, My elder sister is a T.G.T in Govt. School and married to an Engineer in BHEL and settled in Delhi.
My younger sister is doing her B.A. from Delhi University.
Due to my father's proper economical planing, inspirations and sacrifices, he made all of us dependendable on self.
Spare time activities
My hobbies are :
1. To play table tennis
2. Exercise for fitness
3. Listening songs
4. Spending time with friends
5. Learning and searching something new happening in society.
Most flourishing college experience
My most rewarding college experience, when after completion of my REDHAT Certification during my final year internship, me with my three friends decided the final year project on Network Administration and it was supported by our college IT Manager and he also become mentor for helping us in completing the project. This was the project which going to be implemented in our College for reformation of College network and gave some good experiences.
This was the moment,when me with my friend felt that we did something fruitful for our college and for self too.
Most influenced factor
My father is the person who influenced me in every aspects. He always provided me guidance for my studies and helped me resolving my problems.
He always encouraged me for deciding and achieving goals. He is the only person who inspired me because of his struggle and his positive power and without any help from family and friends made himself to reach at the respective position in the society.
He make me understood about the value of relation , value of life and value of money too.
The most important person is my mother who always help me and my father in any type of problem and situation.
I really want to thank my parents for everything they provided and helped in my life.
My uniqueness
Every individual in this world is unique. The unique and remarkable thing in me what i think is positiveness and feeling of never give up.
I will not sit calm until the assigned task is not completed.
About Myself
I Ankit Mishra,
currently working as Assistant System Engineer in Tata Consultancy Services in Mumbai.
I completed my from Hindustan College of Science & Technology , Mathura, U.P. in 2011
I completed my schooling from New Green Field School, Saket , New Delhi in 2007.
I am simple living person who live life in simplicity.
I have great faith on my friends and also I am grateful to have some great friends who helped me in my tough time.
I just believe in myself for achieving goals and not dependent on others.
Most proud accomplishment
As I have done REDHAT certification which are among the toughest certifications and due to this I worked on the project on Network Servers in my college and got some great experiences and provided something from my side to my college.
Still this certification experience I am using and providing best of my services to my employer.
Favorite subject
My strongest subject is Computer Networks because it is something which makes the world connected through internet. The curiosity of understanding the network establishment inspires me to learn about this subject.
This subject it very vast but it compacted the world on internet.
Additional information
As additional information i have completed my one year in my company now,
As comments, it is a good initiative to take interview of person like me and to get information which are required to make the change in society, these type of information make us aware about the society, what is happening actually.
May be these information reached to the person who get inspired from it and do something valuable.
View s for better India
My opinion to increase the participation from students in development of nation is to provide them valuable trainings and books in cheap cost so that they never hesitate to take chances to learn new things because many of times students kill their curiosity to learn due to money only, otherwise each student has the capability to develop himself if they have resources accessible and if the student develop himself it will directly help in development of nation.
Every individual have unique capabilities in different different fields but due to lack of accessibility to resources they work on different fields which is not of its type.
Time Management
I will decide the thing which gets top priority depending upon the following parameters.
1.Type of task
2.Impact of task
3.Consequences if unattended.
4.Time management according to the complexity of task.

These are the following parameters initially hitting my mind on which I schedule my time.
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