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Advice Request
Aniruddha Sinha
Aniruddha Sinha

Aniruddha Sinha


Air India


Aniruddha Sinha is a member of:

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Company Profile and its IT Policies
Air India is an international Air Transport Company carrying passenger & Cargo.

IT strategy is to align the business requirement with the latest
Information Technology to achieve best IS.  IT strategy is also aligned
with the Corporate mission and  vision to improve Passenger/Cargo

IT strategy is a continuously evolving process to
improve  services.  AI had upgraded its core passenger services systems
such as passenger services, departure control, e-ticketing, e-commerce
and baggage services to the latest state-of-the-art solution on a hosted
platform.  Cargo services of AI customers has recently been migrated
from in-house solution to a internationally recognized hosted
solution.   AI has  introduced an Integrated Operations Control system,
hub control system for the operations users in a hosted platform. AI is 
in the process of replacing the existing ERP, MRO system through a well
known SAP platform.  AI has  implemented a corporate document
management system  with the existing corporate mailing platform.
Perspective on Innovative Technologies like Cloud and Virtualization
Vitalization would help the IT infrastructure consolidation and thereby
ease of maintenance, increased utilization, reduced wastages, etc. would
bring down TCO.  Depending upon application criticality, sensitiveness,
volume, cost benefit analysis, AI can evaluate private or public cloud.
Resources to Keep Updated with Latest Technologies
Reading technology, aviation review magazines, attending conferences and the product presentations, demonstrations etc.
Personals in your Team
100 +
Biggest Obstacle
Keeping pace with passenger demand with technological changes and to meet the users requirements.
Contemplate Ways to Prevent Security Breach
Continuously changing  users environment at multiple locations ( cities,
airports etc) across the globe are  major challenges for information /
database security.
Adoption of Cloud Policy
Evaluating private vs public cloud options.
IT Leader must be Manger or Technologist First.
A visionary manager first with the latest technological knowledge to fulfill the corporate vision/mission.
ROI on the Technology
ROI on technological investment is intangible and generally takes longer gestation period.
Welcoming New technologies
Virtualization ,Cloud computing and data security management.
Relationship Between CIOs and CEOs
CIO provides information for CEO to take decisive actions on Business strategies.
To align an integrated IT systems at all levels in the company to improve the services under business requirement.
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