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Advice Request
Anil T Brid
Anil T Brid

Anil T Brid


Bay-Island Shipping & Management


Anil T Brid is a member of:

- Expert

Anil T Brid's Advice

Keys to Effective Leadership

I think that the keys to effective leadership is the “leadership system” within which it operates i.e. how leadership is exercised formally and informally,throughout the organization. It includes structures and mechanisms for decision making; two way communication; selection and development of leaders and managers; and reinforcement of values, directions and performance expectations. Also,an effective leadership involves setting and communicating organization’s vision and values till the grass root level thereby addressing the organizations governance system ensuring legal and ethical behavior at every encounter.
Keys to Effective Leadership

think that the keys to effective leadership is the “leadership system”
within which it operates i.e. how leadership is exercised formally and
informally,throughout the organization. It includes structures and
mechanisms for decision making; two way communication; selection and
development of leaders and managers; and reinforcement of values,
directions and performance expectations.

effective leadership involves setting and communicating organization’s
vision and values till the grass root level thereby addressing the
organizations governance system ensuring legal and ethical behavior at
every encounter.
Thoughts on Consistent Leadership Performance

leadership performance is an ongoing process which is executed not just
formally but also informally.Leadership needs to be felt and not just
seen. It is intangible in nature but has strong existence.

achieve it by creating an environment for empowerment, agility and
learning. I also have clarity in communication and vague ideas are
converted into achievable targets.

Tools to Motivate Yourself and Others

think that the sky is the limit.There is always some room for
improvement and a lot of things yet to be achieved. The passion of
entrepreneurship motivates me.

is my way of motivating troops. It refers to giving people the
authority and responsibility to make   decisions and take actions. Also,
“workforce engagement” is important which refers to high workforce
commitment, emotional and intellectual to accomplish work. It makes them
feel closely associated and responsible to the organization.

Gist of Your Leadership Role Over the Years
role has evolved by taking responsibilities personally and
professionally at an early age of my life. With no family background and
support into corporate world, all had to be started from the scratch
and by taking decisions for yourself and facing life as it comes. With
25 yrs of experience into the shipping industry, starting my own
business and making it sustainable helped my leadership role to mature.
Strategy to Avoid Mistakes as A Leader
experience & maturity comes the “gut” feeling and judgment. It
becomes easy to assess the intention & commitment level of people at
the other end. Long term perspective helps me connecting the right
dots. I also make sure I have a backup plan in place.
Role Model
eldest brother, Late Mr. Madhav Brid, a fatherly figure and also a
friend, philosopher and guide throughout my personal and professional
life is my role model. He was the one who guided me in the shipping
Lessons Learnt on the Way
most valuable work lesson thus far is being strong with feet firm on
the ground even when the internal and/or external business environment
is unfavorable.
Achievement You Pride Yourself
Started my own business- Bay island shipping and management.
Foresight of Yourself and Your Company
the next couple of years, I plan to get into end-to-end solution i.e.
logistics and supply chain along with ship broking/chartering business.
Macroeconomic Variables that You Look Out for
Currency valuation trends and world economy trends.
Fostering Innovation
sharing, learning and improvement is one good way to foster innovation.
Also allowing any new idea generation and not discarding it or keeping
it unheard.
Attaining Success through Adversity
times of adversity, success can be achieved by adjusting with the
situation,mutual cooperation and amicable solutions with trusted
partners for the best results. Client relationship management is also
crucial to turn adversity into an advantage.
Desire to Change the Past
no professional management degree in hand, I learnt everything from
mistakes. Experience was my teacher. I think I would have taken a
professional degree at the early stage of my career which would have
given me a strong platform at an early stage.
Suggestions on Leadership
earlier said, leadership should not just be seen, but also be felt by
everybody in the organization. A good leader is the one who manages to
keep alive his traits and qualities even after his death and convert his
physical absence into emotional presence.
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