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Advice Request
Amit Kulkarni
Amit Kulkarni

Amit Kulkarni

Principal software engineer


Family background
Staying with Parents.
Handling Grievances
Understand the problem and take the action either by reaching out to concerned people and give timely feedback to the employee.
Tech Management matters more on
Getting insight of managerial point of view.
Excellence in Management
on-time and withing budget delivery
Important career decisions
staying in touch with technology and getting having multiple technology experience
Influenced by
Father. He started from zero and always dealt with people.
Team Management
Free talks, informal
My views on India Technical development
We don't concentrate on basics let it be software or hardware. Right from politicians to ground level person, innovation is not funded and belief is to get it imported.The basics of technology are really advanced. We need investment there. We only claim to do inventions on our own and keep waiting decades.Ultimately all the technical knowledge is from WEST, so either we should attract them to start manufacturing or beg,borrow, steal.
Ensuring Growth
Planning for some certifications to stay in the rat race.
Managing personal and professional life
I am not good in this. my personal life priorities dominate.
More about me
Look for the best in personal and professional life while taking the decision.
Leadership qualities
Leadership to influence people. Not all need leaders as they are self motivated. co-ordination of people is important.
My advice
To create jobs in India and get the employee headcount showcased is the trend in Indian IT. This model will create IT and allied service jobs only. To have innovation on technical front we need investment and have patience. This might create just selective jobs and is long term process.
Current Job description
Working as a DW/BI architect. Taking design and technology decisions. No direct people management.
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