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Advice Request
Amit Kishore
Amit Kishore

Amit Kishore

Technology Lead, Infosys Limited

Infosys Limited


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Problems coming in web development.
I think that the requirement gathering phase is the most crucial and difficult part as this sets the pace for further steps for designing and implementing any solution. Once we have a clear picture on what needs to be done, 'how' and 'when' turn into simple riddles ready to be resolved!
Describe your Web Application?
I am currently working on a multi-technology WebGIS interface dev platform which contains a very innovative blend of sharepoint, diverse repositories such as documentum & others and ESRI GIS( Geographical Information system). it has intuitive features for reporting, data views and workflow module.
Creation of Websites
Nature! If you see from my perspective, nature entails unimaginable wonders & gives us a handle to tweak one or two as well. Software module are live worlds in themselves so they should be equally enticing as effective. Whatever we do, it is our humble try to replicate nature's beauty to some extent
Writing HTML
Earlier the tags were not having intellisense but now they have so it has made the task easier.
Ways to reduce the load time
1. reduce the number of http requests in your page.
2.use the data: URL scheme to embed the image data in the actual page , use image maps
3.simplify the page design to the maximum extent possible
Work in a different way
Nothing, I had a perfect start and a good learning curve initially with some very talented folks to work along with. It had its own challenges which seemed big at that time but if I see it now these were blessings in disguise which helped me sail through smoothly during my professional journey.
What additional skills do you have?
We are an organization of exceptionally talented people who strive for a common cause- excellence. I am a humble contributor like my over 1 lac 30 thousand other colleagues and together it makes us what we are and sets us way above the rest.
Role & Responsibility: Before and Now
the current one is more integration focused which deals with setting up technology processes for front ending various applications under one umbrella. In the previous roles, the scope was very much limited as there were only a limited set to technology platforms scoped.
Five Years Down the Line
I see myself starting up innovative ventures on my own with a group of like minded people.
Your Achievement
1. I was given special recognition by an E&P company in 2008 for assisting in setting up and handling their GIS multi-node platform conversing many data sources for their oil interests.
2. Single handedly executing the GIS part of a earthquake simulation model solution for a European govt body.
Interview tips for upcoming fresher
1.Do your homework- go prepared
2. make the right impression
3.Stay calm and confident- this is key, nobody expects you to be exceptional..
4. Ask the right questions
About Qualification
bachelor of engineering( computer Sc & engineering) with distinction in all subjects all four years.
Work Pressure and Deadlines
Physics says that air moves faster towards void and with much noise if the void is in the corner. Same is the case here, I think the key is to remain calm & SOLID and see what best can be done to the issue at hand, define steps based on priority and take actions.One sud never give in to pressure..
Journey of Corporate Life
it has been tremendous so far and I humbly to have it accelerated going forward.
I am a team player.
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