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Advice Request
Amit Kapoor
Amit Kapoor

Amit Kapoor

General Secretary at YMCA AGRA

Young Mens Christian Association


Amit Kapoor is a member of:

Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I belong to a Christian Community. We are converted Christians from Kapoors (khatri). My Mom, Dad, 2 elder and 1 younger brother working as Professional Teachers. Married with 1 child of 3 years. Wife is Medical Professional and I am working as General Secretary of YMCA AGRA
The Journey So Far:
In Year 2005 I came in the Organization and counter the challenges and difficulties. But with the interest of working in community and the pain for people made my struggle easier. Today I am still in struggle but by the prayers of people and blessings of God I am fighting for causes to help people.
Plans For The Future:
Before 2005 I was a student from 2006 my direct involvement in community made my presence visible and in 2012 I see my self more confident in making people close to me,
Other Thoughts:
We should learn that in Corporate sector Money is not every thing but people who gives us money deserve more respect and love.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
The road dedicated in memory of my friend Shaheed Captain Ashish Deva who become martyr in Operation Vijay in 2002. After a long struggle of 10 years I with my wife and few friends went upto Kargil to collect precious soil of martyrs. The Mayor honored our efforts and dedicated a road in his name.
Done Differently:
Work, Work and Work...for people, for community and for people who need me.
Advice For New Professionals:
Remember there is No Shortcut for any Job. Never give up. Life will give you surprising gifts as rewards for your struggles.
The Decisions That Matter
Chosing YMCA Professional and leaving my Computer Teaching Job.
Degrees That Matter:
Diploma in Professional Secretary from YMCA
Job Profile:
I am General Secretary in YMCA of AGRA. I have to organize meetings with Board of Directors, Organize program and activities, plan and execute the strategy. Presently working for GO GREEN. The Earth full of Trees is my dream.
Career Profile:
earlier I was Teacher under my Principal but today I am Master and also Servant. I have to think, plan and execute without knowing who will come with me..
Working Life Management:
I am employee of 24 hours. If I see 8 hours job then I cant manage with community. The family is first priority but my Job responsibility is also like family responsibility
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Earlier there was not proper setup of activities in YMCA AGRA. After I came I planned to have atleast 12 action programs, 10 Board meetings, 2 Outreach programs for Men, Women, Youth and Children
Role Model:
I like Jesus Christ as my Role Model. Who did his part without knowing people and sacrificed His life.
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