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Advice Request
Amit Chaudhry
Amit Chaudhry

Amit Chaudhry

Network Engineer

Trinetra Marketing


Amit Chaudhry is a member of:

My important career decision
i chose business as my career after my 3 yrs of service
Managing professional as well as personal life
Everything other then business is personal and vice-versa, the transition is very fast, you never even know it.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
we are not fully business minded and our lack of confidence and insecure thought towards new product does not let us do that.
there should be an organization who can scrutinize and fund the thought process of inventing new products.
Books recommended
books based on moral values and which encourage optimistic thoughts are very important in our day to day life.
My strongest Skill
practice practice practice and we should be focused towards what we do.
Being different
engineer means engine element rider.
why segregation, they can do more then whatever they are doing.
My role model
i don't have any perfect role model in life as because i believe that no one in this world is perfect, i take in count whatever i like in any individual.
Challenges faced in job
business means expansion and life to me.
My advice
learning by doing is the only technique.
My achievement
thoughts of business process.
Goals and Ambitions
business business and business.
Current Trends
switching sectors but keeping the last one active and alive.
Making job easier
work comes first then other things.
Family Background
i am from a middle class family but my fore fathers were from very poor back ground.
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