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Alok Jha
Alok Jha

Alok Jha




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About Myself
Hello,My Name is Alok Jha,i completed my HTCS course, i.e Hospitality,travel and customer service.And now currently looking for a job related to this industry.
Career Expectations
I improved my communication skill and manage the customer service,handling the air ticketing related to software like Abacus,Galileo,Fidelio.
Additional information
During my study,i got a practical knowledge which we take it after study i got it in my study period and its most important.
Spare time activities
Surfing internet,make new friend,listening songs and i enjoy in my spare time to getting new thing that from aviation industry.
Most influenced factor
I am self motivated and choose my career objective,first i analyse the market then decide to go on this career path according to my best knowledge.
Time Management
Its depend upon task,if i have more task and complete the that task certain time limit are given then i choose which task is most important,then i schedule my time and give the first priority to that task and complete it.
Challenges facing by students
A huge Financial problem,they decide to choose career but they have not financially strong and thereafter they choose alternate career path.
Most flourishing college experience
My teacher daily teaches us and once day they ask some question and no one answer then they give challenge us,what you learn from me can you represent it,and that day i take a challenge and i represent it via presentation,then i got a reward from him.
Most proud accomplishment
My assignment submission,i make my assignment without to get help form my senior and complete it,my friend copy its from senior and so teacher praise me,when they see it,because they have experience either it copy or student make it self and that day i feel proud.
My uniqueness
My willpower power and taking challenges its make me unique.
View s for better India
i think students have to participate to social activity and learn from them new thing and its used to there practical life,if we do it then its help us to develop our nation.
First Job Expectation
1. I am looking for a position where my background can be put to effective use.
2.An atmosphere where performance is rewarded with new responsibilities. To be part of dynamic team this works together towards growth of the organization.
3.and company market value i.e. top position running status(its growth)and try to more growth where i work,so i self put my more effort.
Favorite subject
Customer service Management is my strongest subject and i got its practical knowledge which is today required for industry and i done it very well.
Favorite Books and Articles
"Emotion" this article i read from my non academic book and from there i learn,we have to strong our emotion,if any one scold you don't harassment,try to learn why they scold me and find there answer and try to remove it next time,this impact came on my life.
Family Background
I have been brought-up in a very discipline atmosphere where values and principles have always been given priority. It gives me great pleasure to give introduction of my family.

My respected father name is Mr. Manoj Jha. He is in service as a checker. My mother is a house wife. Inspit-of being a very family lady. She has been a great source of motivation in my life. A part from this I have one brother and one sister. They all are loving and supporting in nature.
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