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Allwyn Desouza
Allwyn  Desouza

Allwyn Desouza

Co Founder of Bay Leaf Integrated Communication Solutions LLP

Bay Leaf Integrated Communication Solutions LLP


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Allwyn Desouza's Advice

Importance of Branding

Branding is all about the attributes and USP of the product. Branding helps in building awareness. You might have the best car on the road but if you don't brand it and position it , then you won't be able to distinguish between your and your competitor products. Brand gives an attribute and identity to a product, it signify its USP and Value for Money proposition. A good Brand imagery help a product to be sold easily. A demand can be created before it is launched. A good brand always has a story to tell and the have always stayed true to their core offering through out their history. Hence Branding cannot be ignored and forms a integral part of your communication.
Importance of On line marketing
Today no Marketing Manager can ignore the digital world for communication, Online is the most reasonable, economic and measurable form of communications compared to the other Media's. Expereintial Online Comm give you a one on one connect with your TG and allows them to react to your communication
Positioning the product
We call ourselves "Bay Leaf", just like the leaf that offers flavor to food, similarly we add flavor to communication. We provide Integrated Communication Solution with specialisation in Digital Strategy and Execution. We look at a problem and recommend customised solutions based on the objective and growth of the brand in the Digital space. Our Online communication strategy is purely based on brand positioning and promise, and meant for the specified Target Audience.

Our solutions are substantiated by research and innovations based on best global practices and learning's.
Importance of sales
Sales is the engine of growth, you cannot grow or aspire to grow if you don't have a definitive sales objective. The sales objective has to be a long term perspective with short term milestones to be achieved in a desired plan of things to make business sustainable and profitable.
There is a fine line between Marketing and Selling. Marketing is telling / informing / reaching out to a prospective customer or a buyer that there exist a product/ service that would e useful for him his everday life.Selling on the other hand is engaging & making him buy stuff that is been Marketed
Recommended Courses and Certification
Every industry is different and the marketing needs based on that specific Industry is different.Therefore, knowledge of the various media and knowing their limitations and strengths becomes a important aspects, especially when you are doing budgeting and reaching out to desired Target Audience only.

Having a domain knowledge or specialisation helps and considered a necessary in today's time.
What can be achieved
Budget and foresight towards obtaining the objective are amongst others two most challenging issues faced by the marketing person in the corporate world.

Every marketer today is looking at effective marketing solution for the given limitation of budget and time taken to obtain the desired results.

ROI is key for any marketer, the cost of acquisition should not overlap with the margins and profits of the service provider. But specifically for India the challenge lies in reaching out to the desired TG spread over varied geographies and boundaries and within the specified budget. This task is not only humongous but time bound based on the revenue targets for each regions. Therefore the marketing person is limited in his ability to take a choice and decide where to put his eggs that too in which basket.
Growth Prospect in marketing
A good marketing person has to have multitasking capabilities, he also needs to have a good analytic and calculative inclinations,all these attribute help in his personal and professional growth as it helps him to adapt quickly to the ever changing demand and market conditions.
Importance of STP
Every product has a defined Target Audience and defined Price point. This is firmed up once the product positioning and branding is finalised.

Therefore, without positioning, segmentation is not possible and without segmentation targeting is not possible. And vice verse, the pricing and target audience also defines positioning and branding for the product.

Because it is interlinked the three elements are interdependent of each other and are instrumental in the overall pricing of the product.

The primary requirement is for any product is to define its Brand and Market positioning based on the unique selling proposition and on that Basis which it will be able to define the pricing and buyers for the products.
Branding is all about the attributes and USP of the product. Branding helps in building awareness. You might have the best car on the road but if you don't brand it and position it , then you won't be able to distinguish between your and your competitor products.

Brand gives an attribute and identity to a product, it signify its USP and Value for Money proposition.

A good Brand imagery help a product to be sold easily. A demand can be created before it is launched. A good brand always has a story to tell and the have always stayed true to their core offering through out their history.

Hence Branding cannot be ignored and forms a integral part of your communication.
Brief yourself
I have Co-founded Bay Leaf Integrated Communication Solutions LLP and have more than 18 years of work experience. Starting my career into advertising as a Junior Client Servicing Executive, I finally quit as the Head of the Digital Business for Law & Kenneth.

My past work experience and responsible stints have been with UCP Direct , Draft Worldwide, McCann Worldwide, Digital Law & Kenneth and now finally Bay Leaf.

Worked with clients such as GVK Group(Mumbai Airport), Godrej Properties, Parle, Lodha, Godrej Interio, HCC, Lavasa..

My strength lies is providing Strategy and Solutions for Digital Communication supported by innovative Ideas and Execution, with equal impetus on Mobile Marketing with Tab-Sites being the future of Communication and Engagement.

The flavor of Bay leaf is now yours to explore in the world of advertising and communications. We have started an initiative to help our clients make Communication a reality - Strategically, Creatively, Globally and Operationally
Role in an organization
I look after the New business Development and providing unique Innovative ideas and solutions in the digital field for my clients.

I have helped build brands in the Digital Space and my past experience and client testimony and accolades is proof enough of my expertise.
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