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Advice Request
Ajit Chandran
Ajit Chandran

Ajit Chandran


SunGard Solutions Software Pvt Ltd

Ensuring success
Every year of service has brought about some valuable experiences in the last 16 years. With every change of job along with the industry- it was really nice to know how the dynamics work in each of the industry. I have come to know each industry predominantly has its own work environment and related dynamics around which management and work force development happens.
CA firm gave me the practical exposure to core accounts, audit including internal audit and consultancy. Also to mention the management ideology towards audit- internal or external and consultancy assignments.
Likewise BPO gave me exposure and opportunity to work in the dynamically different outsourcing field.
All the jobs helped to build upon various skills as required in each one of these roles and responsibilities.
Reading,interacting and being in constant touch with education helped me a lot to understand and adapt myself to what I am today.
More about myself
One of the most important quotes I valued all my life-A person should try to work on something he has interest rather than something which is high paying. More so because like/interest is very nearly a kiln to one's nature and helps to enhance skills to excel in the same field. Lastly, it never allows somebody to feel dejected provided the zeal and enthusiasm is the input, the output money is just some miles away.
Couple of years from now
Evolving from present role to that of Finance Manager or Finance Controller. A person responsible to work on major accounting responsibility.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Unfortunately, Education System - I have always believed is like Constitutional Amendments. They need timely review to meet the requirements of time with every passing generation. Today we find the students are more of marks/grade so the system along with government/parents end up expecting marks/grade rather than knowledge.
There is a need to review education system and its expectations - whether the knowledge bank needs to be created rather than encouraging students to clear exams and scoring good marks. There is a need to evaluate whether the course curriculum are really acting as knowledge boosters and assisting the qualified graduates to get a job assignment. Also, there is a need for some good guidance to be given to youngsters on different job opportunities covering various fields.
Important lesson learned
Yeah, there has been quite a few good lessons learnt in life. Firstly, every staff member is important in the office/team/department and almost everyone can give you some good learning. Of course the experience also taught how certain things are to be avoided- by looking into others mistakes and complaints/issues raised by other colleagues for someone else.
Irrespective of designation, one needs to draw a line of what should be shared with other department middle-management staff- by sticking to the basic principle - not to discuss official matters unnecessarily.
Another important learning was to value the opinions of subordinates and take a call- when and where to have which type of leadership skills.
My role model
The Role Model who inspired me was one of my ex-boss - Mr Balu Narayan who is a Chartered Accountant and CIA. Unlike other bosses/Chartered Accountants, during my tenure of around 3 years of work with him, he always shown keenness to take inputs, understand the view points especially during Internal Audit and Consultancy assignments. That was my second job but got that experience which is difficult to explain. He has been a boss, who never bothered to ask for inputs, keeping aside any sort of ego or hesitation usually found in bosses.
Initiative to develop a country
The most important thing would be to follow professional ethics and not to forget that service to the profession is the most pivotal thing.
Influenced by
Apart from my ex-boss - Mr Balu Narayan, my elder brother - Anil Chandran who has been my brother-cum-mentor throughout life. Whenever I needed his advise he has always made me comfortable first, and then given his suggestions, of course leaving the decision to me, without making me realize about it.
Degree that I recommend
1. ICWA - Currently I have completed Inter and planning to complete the same
2. Phd - Always wanted to have the Doctorate degree in the field of education.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
1. Follow what you preach.
2. Delegation of authority and responsibility for any work, keeping checks and controls in own hand.
3. Faith and confidence on subordinates and to keep them motivated.
4. Encouraging subordinates to come up with suggestions and feedback for self and work improvement.
5. Daily/Weekly/Monthly - To do list and periodical review of the same.
6. Yearly Self Goals and quarterly review of its achievements.
7. Grooming of subordinates and creation of backups to reduce dependency.
Brief description about me
I am older in world by 36 years, trying to work on the knowledge and skill to match with age. I have been working for last 16.5 years in the field of Accounts and Finance covering almost all industry - Financial Services,Manufacturing,IT Services, BPO and not to forget the Audit and Consultancy.
My achievements
Scored 79.8% in MMS(MBA) Finance in 2004. Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certified Passed NCC C Certificate in A rating in Air Wing.
My family background
My father retired from Air Force in Civilian Cadre while my mother was housewife. My father expired in November 2010. My wife is working with HR recruiting company and my daughter is 5 years old. My elder brother is Head-HR of a company in Mumbai.
My strongest skill
Operation Management
Accounting - Accounts Receivable,Revenue Accounting
Internal Audit
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