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Advice Request
Abhishek Singh
Abhishek Singh

Abhishek Singh

Delivery Manager

Hays Business Solutions


Abhishek Singh is a member of:

Handling Grievances
We follow(QUIT)approach to manage employee grievances as described
QUICK : Attain it immediately
UNDERSTAND :Gathering the fact from employee and associated functions
INTROSPECT : Evaluate what went wrong and why employee has faced it
TRANSPARENT : be transparent with employee and explain the situation. If this is related to job responsibilities, reporting etc explain current situation and be transparent. If it is management oversight ,we should accept it as management mistake and take corrective action.

Usually we are managing grievances as a team, line manager has to own it but entire management team has to contribute in resolving it. As our team performance it not measured on how many grievances we resolved but on lesser number of grievances we received. Our Anonymous blogging system help raising members their issue as soon as it occurs and as a management team we all jump on it to find-out and fix even before we get to know who raised it.
More about me
Yes, a few basic principles on which my team operates and I think this can be implemented anywhere and any industry

TRUST: Be transparent and act what you say so that team can trust on management

High Performance Culture : Knowledge workers enjoys using their ideas so provide them open platform and opportunity to explore with lesser constraints on access and process controls until they agree.

Empower Operating Staff : Decentralize all technical/operational decision activities with value zone so that team can feel empowered and own their actions.

Pyramid Structure : Never follow pyramid structure within knowledge worker as they have more understanding ,control on technology or product than anyone at the top of the pyramid.

Kick the obstacles : team should be authorized to not-follow any process, hierarchy, approval if this impacts delivery. All these can be manage later but if anything goes wrong in business no-one able to back-fill the loss.
Current Job description
I have to setup a high performance Information technology team which is agile and think out of the box. I am working as Delivery manager for a captive development center based which has been established by transitioning the software application and support activities from a IT service provide giant in India.

At present we need to own delivery of 100+ online apps, huge ERPs and MI systems and a very skilled Innovation team who can come up business improvement ideas through IT. Ensure delivery of all these applications on monthly sprints, weekly interim releases and ongoing application support.
My advice
Future leadership in IT need to get involved with team by coming out from their secured cabins. Understanding technology, key challenges and solution trends are needed to gain respect from team as just present a slide-pack or report to Sr management/Stakeholders is not leaders responsibility which has been created by team members using thier valuable time.
Tech Management matters more on
As I mentioned earlier it is involvement in technology and product, manager need to own challenges faced by team and give them an environment where they have everything they need to perform. Managers need to take all their queries/concerns to support functions while team can focus on real development/manufacturing work.
Important career decisions
Taking a role in a start-up organization
Giving team more and more authority which generate respect for their manager and build courage in them
Leadership qualities
For me top three most important skills as a leader which drives entire culture are
- Transparent
- Trustworthy
- Connections : Accessible and meeting with team to understand issues

Other skills needed to during the team initiation are

- Ability to Inspire
- wisdom to make educated and informed decisions
- Lead by Example
Family background
Only son of a well educated family who decided to live in a small village to support the society. Father, being a doctor got opportunity to work in cities of UP but he has a vision to take care of them who are away for medical facilities.My mother has been an inspiration for me to look at the bigger picture in the world and come out.

Got married to Neelima Sachan who is PhD in life science and wanted to pursue career in education sector but being a middle class family and social pressure we decided to become proud parent of my two beautiful kids Tanush (6 Years) and Anvi(2 Years).

Tanush, as an elder son is very responsible and serious ; sometime we feel from where he got this talent and learn to behave like a matured child. Anvi is enjoying her kids life and real stress buster after a long working day. I spend 10-12 hrs in office so it is just 3-4 hrs I could spend with my family but I am very lucky that all everyone supports me during my hard-work.
Excellence in Management
Setting up a team of 100 with less than 10% attrition.Transition of work delivered by 150 FTE from last 4 years in 5 months that was 2 months ahead schedule.
Team collaboration and culture of high performance where everyone knows what we as individual has to focus on. No delivery slippage , no grievances related to work, role, responsibilities.

I think best decision we have taken was not to hire managers from out-side but grow them internally..and give a carrer path where they are interested for..everyone don't want to be a people manager, we found a mix of team who has excellent technology skill and some who can read from employees face if there is anything wrong.

A transparent culture where everyone knows what are the budgets, who has resigned and why which is very difficult to find in industry
Awards and Recognitions
A few awards I received in last one year are:
- Employee of the Year
- Best Manager of the year

and best reward for me from my stakeholder:
"Abhishek has established a high performance, reliable team who is delivering best in class IT support to our business with good quality, on-time and cost effective services. It is very refreshing to work with someone who is happy to own the issues and challenges and has a full focus on delivery. It is consistent and outstanding performance.
Managing personal and professional life
A few things; which I always wanted to achieve was:
- Delivery Focused : In personal and professional life I am always focused on getting best out of me.
- Prioritization of work : My day starts with identifying priority of the day which was not the case earlier, now I can spend more time with team in discussions.
- Learn from everyone : I am always ready to learn from everyone being a trainee in the team or my children's at home.. this requires a lot of listening skill which I have developed gradually.
- Admitting the mistake : Wherever I am wrong; I am happy to accept, learning this skill took me long time but now I am very relaxed and comfortable accepting mistakes.. as a quote we used in our team that "Success is your while failure/mistake is mine". Same is easily applicable in my personal life as it gives open space to my children's to make decisions.
Ensuring Growth
Since when I moved to management role I was very keen to know what I am doing is right or started reading books , joined management courses and realized that I am moving in right direction.

Though I know a lot need to be achieved as I am not a good writer but I can execute well. best way to grow in to grow in IT is to keep yourself up-to-date with the technology and be very clear in mind the GenY is more intelligent so hard work is needed to gain their respect.
Team Management
Very informal and agile working model.. As I explained earlier we never build a pyramid structure, entire delivery function of 100+ members are aligned on Operating Structure..people shuffle in one team to other based on technology, process, application they know or want to learn.

We don't encourage very formal meetings and discussions; rather we have an agreement to go to anyone for anything by respecting their time. We arrange a few formal gathering once in a month to ensure we are disciplined enough to work as a team
Influenced by
My mother and my current manager; my mother always encouraged me for hardwork, always setting up bigger goal and never leave until you achieve.. during my college days I did a few mistakes like participating in student union election ( I call it mistake as my family has never been considered good thing) but no-one said anything to me and parents accepted this as issue in their parenting.

My current manager, his attitude towards work; disciplined approach, trust on me and delivery focused approach.
My views on India Technical development
This is a biggest issue in our country we are govern by our education system, parenting and society . If anyone wants to think differently social restrictions will come in between so that is why we are not building a culture where people can think beyond boundaries and take a risk.

A lot of competition are being organized by western countries to take best talent from India who are thinking out of the box and not getting encouraged. We need to come-out from skill development, well-defined education system and encourage smart and adverse thinkers.

Most of the technology development is by Indian but outside India; so we need to retain our talented work-force and build a risk-taking skill.
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