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Abhishek Sharma
Abhishek Sharma

Abhishek Sharma

Product Manager


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Abhishek Sharma's Advice

Importance of sales

Sales is the ultimate goal of any commercial entity as it is this function who generate revenue for entity which ensures its smooth running , all other functions in organization act as a support to ensure the smooth process for sales.
Future trend
Internet has changed the Marketing dramatically and new trends like location specific ads, real time offers based on gesture are a new interesting trends picking up, most of these new trends are supported by emerging Technologies in Business Intelligence and Analytics which is helping organization making their marketing investment more focused and result oriented.
Importance of STP
For a Product Success STP (segmentation, Targeting, Positioning)is crucial in understanding the market needs and Pain points of a specific segment, making sure that you are targeting the right market and ensures that your customer sees the Product as a right solution for problems.
Importance of sales
Sales is the ultimate goal of any commercial entity as it is this function who generate revenue for entity which ensures its smooth running , all other functions in organization act as a support to ensure the smooth process for sales.
People who are looking to make their career in marketing must be aware of present trends in marketing (offline/online) and should have good writing skills, an ability to pick choosing the right words

Talking about the sources you can find lot of good websites on marketing like, and I recommend you read books like Principles of Marketing (by Philip Kotler), Content Rules (by Ann Handley) and Spent (by Geoffrey Miller).
I think in present business environment branding is critical for any organization unlike in old time where businesses used to competed in domestic level with limited competitors today scenario has changed.

Now you compete in an Global market where competition is intense and making sure that your potential customer remember your Product/company name in your category can makes all the difference.
Importance of On line marketing
With Internet changing the way we do business, online Marketing is integrated in corporate Marketing plans and helping them reach out clients beyond their physical reach which is helping companies expending business across the world and acquiring new clients quickly.
Marketing is about let Market and your potential customer know about your existence and information about and let your services/products, marketing is important for any organization as having a right information at the right time and at right place is the key for the organization (irrespective of what type of business you are in).
Motivating Factor
The key is a passion about what you do which pushes you beyond your comfort zone and act as ultimate driver for anyone to get success in your career.
Marketing is about let Market know about your presence and generate interest about product/services in prospects whereas selling is about converting your prospects into a paid customers.
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