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Abhinav Jain
Abhinav Jain

Abhinav Jain

Talent Acquisition Specialist



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Relationship with HR and Top Management
Human Resources staff members are key players in recruiting and retaining staff. HR staff members should also lead efforts in training and organization development. They are the heart of helping you form a positive, employee and customer-oriented culture. With so much responsibility, and so much potential impact on business, HR should report to the CEO of company. This enables the HR person to speak directly to the person who most closely molds corporate culture, the President or CEO. This direct contact, without having to work through layers of other managers who may or may not put forth the HR point of view, is important for business success.
With thorough knowledge of the business, better decisions and recommendations come from HR. Recruiting, retention, training, organization development, and culture are recommended and formed from a thorough understanding of business needs. Conversely, you enable HR staff to affect strategic outcomes.This is a positive factor in Business.
Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
Hiring the right staff is not an exact science but there are several key factors to consider: honesty, courteousness, enthusiasm and flexibility. The ideal candidate will be a team player and an asset to the staff.
Qualities that I place in the “must-have” category are confidence, leadership skills, and the ability to deliver information promptly. The candidate should be articulate and able to think logically but also be flexible in decision-making.
I also admire a person who can be compassionate and understanding yet able to give clear direction to reports as necessary.
HR Strategies In Place
I as a Recruiting Professional, always focus on best practise in Recruiting. Some of the good practise starts right from the candidate accept our offer. I personally make sure that every candidate accepting offer should get a Welcome note with fresh flowers and some sweet as a token to show that how important he is for my company. Second most valuable practice is Drug Test, since we follow Drug free environment thus making sure that everyone who is coming should be free from drug addiction.
Current HR Trends:
HR is one of the business functions where adoption of SaaS software is highest, and experts foresee the trend accelerating even more in 2013. HR managers are now choosing cloud-based products almost exclusively. Certainly the early adopters are going to be in technology, just as we've seen with social collaboration, but particularly organizations hiring a lot of younger workers are going to see this as a way to manage their investment in labor on an ongoing basis.

SaaS adoption is already at very high levels, and really now companies will choose SaaS first," he said. Basically it becomes a prerequisite for any kind of solution they look at in HR.
It's difficult to keep [data] in sync across multiple systems, so you need to create repositories of master data that can be governed more effectively from a quality standpoint. We're going to see better solutions for managing employee data quality.
Recruiting new generation:
Speak to Generation Y at their level. Your recruiting Web site cannot be flat and bland. When Generation Y-ers apply through your company Web site, the site should be snazzy and tech-oriented. Gen Yers would not have it any other way. As they demand attention and being rewarded, they expect common courtesy notes thanking them for applying to your company. If you don't do this simple gesture, you will lose them. Even if they are not the right candidate for the job, you must let them know that they're not the right fit for the job and that you will keep their resume in your files when a job more closely fits their experience.
Generation Y is a high-performance generation that is technologically savvy and who zips in and off the super highway. They have the world at their fingertips and are a hugely talented resource for employers. Don't be afraid of them. Come down to their level, be direct, mentor and help them reach their goals and soon you'll have a strong workforce.
Pain Points:
I’m a huge fan of emotional intelligence; yes, it belongs on any ‘top five’ leadership traits list. As organizations work with emerging leaders HR must stay focused on helping new leaders hone their emotional intelligence. This is crucial. Leaders be human please.
Finally, Leaders and HR people must act now to advocate for employees of all levels – we too must be leaders.
Our employees, and our developing leaders, need our support to fight against uncertainty about retirement, and they also need our support to ensure companies can help employees grow by ensuring education assistance remains available for associate, undergraduate, and graduate course work. In this new world of work employees will need to reinvent themselves over and over again; employers must be able to support them in this task.
HR and leaders alike have many responsibilities. Maybe among the most important is developing the next generation of leaders and being more innovative as times change rapidly before our eyes.
Helping to develop the country
It has been in the process of becoming a developed country for 30 or more years now. India has rapidly gained stature in the world for churning out computer programmers, engineers, physicians, accountants, and many other professional people. India today has evolved into a global provider of software and business process services and I believe a strong reverse brain drain is required to help India become a developed country.
Reverse brain drain seems to be the silver lining on the cloud. I imagine the biggest thing that puts OFF the people wanting to return back is not money or lack of good opportunities but the work culture in India. For example, in advanced countries most people work from 8AM-4:30PM and enjoy the rest of the day. Whereas in our country with most managers surfing net and investing on share market and even day trading. Later they have few conversation calls with US and UK clients. The developers have to wait for decisions from managers and BA's
Improving Education system
The general education system is focused only on examinations rather than training students for the future and really testing their knowledge. Because of this, students are forced to take tests that show only their retention powers, not their actual capacity or knowledge. So engineers today cannot do actual work in technology and doctors do not go to people who need their services.
One way to do this is through public-private partnership. It has succeeded in many sectors, so why not in education? The private sector can develop the institutions and provide infrastructure and the government can build the curriculum and run them. In fact, policymakers, professionals and the public should come together with an aim to build good educational institutions. It is good to have as many universities as possible, because many students do not get an opportunity to get into good colleges. But the government should have a strict control on every aspect, like infrastructure, faculty, facilities.
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