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Advice Request
Abhijit Dey
Abhijit Dey

Abhijit Dey

Associate System Engineer

IBM India Private Limited


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
Actually I belong to a nuclear family.There are four member in my family.My father was a school teacher.My mother is a house wife.I have an elder sister and she is doing M.A in Sanskrit.
Degrees That Matter:
I have completed B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2011.Now I am working in IBM India as an J2EE application developer,so I want to complete the OSCJP certification in this year.
The Journey So Far:
I joined IBM four month ago and its my first company,so I have little bit experience about corporate world.But in this four months I learn many things...specially how to tackle pressure though I have habituated with this from my College life but corporate pressure is different one.
Advice For New Professionals:
Truly speaking many people say many things like be punctual,diplomatic,dedicated etc.
But my advice to the new people just be YOURSELF.
Plans For The Future:
I want to grow with my organization and after couple of years later I want to see my self at such a position where I can handle more job responsibility than now.Also want to do something innovative which help my organization to fulfill IBM motto that is make a smarter planet.
Done Differently:
Actually I like challenges.I am sure its gonna be so challenging to start career from all over again.More than that I want to learn new I think its become an opportunity for me if I start my career again from grass root level.
Working Life Management:
It's really difficult one.It is quite tough to balance work life.But it's also true that the wind (culture) of corporate world make you so dynamic that you can handle any situation in your work place.So for real professional it's a daily matter.
Role Model:
My role model is two people my father and mother.They both learn me how to behave with the situation and more than that I came in this world just for them.Beside this whenever I feel alone they are the only persons in this whole world who inspire me every second.
Required Reading:
For upcoming professionals it better to follow some motivational books(like You Can Win) as it help you a lot in your corporate life.Regarding website always try to follow the job related career websites like SiliconIndia,Timesjobs,FreshersWorld,naukri,IndiaBix etc.Not only that others are also good
Career Profile:
I am a J2EE application developer.
Other Thoughts:
I want to share a quotation with everyone and I believe it may help the new people who want to come in this world that always remember Nepolean hill's grate dialogue "What the mind can Conceive it can Achieve."
Job Profile:
I am an application developer.My job is to do some development in tools using J2EE technology.We(means my project mates) have to work with synchronized to the U.S research people as the tool is in production level and we mainly do the enhancement of that tools and running the test cases some times.
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