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Advice Request
Abcd Defghij
Abcd Defghij

Abcd Defghij



Done Differently:
Definetly yes, the benefit of hindsight is always better. I always say "hindsight is always better than foresight".
Plans For The Future:
Right in my seat.
The Decisions That Matter
To join Railways in 1990 was the most important decision I made in my Life. I was offerred a job in 1995 in software industry while i was studying C, C , Java in an institute. My Father did not allow me to quit railways since it was a Government of India Job. (Call-9840136004)
Growth Strategy:
learn and learn...........
Required Reading:
Books on culnary, books on passing RRB, UPSC and website of the same.
Career Profile:
My Responsibilities in my job is to make Catering a world class in Southern Railways, My responsibility includes complaint free food, good quality food, hygienic food, variety of food, and other qualities in food for the Railway travelling passenger. (Call-9840136004)
The Journey So Far:
My Corporate world is only the Government of India/Ministry of Railways - particularly Southern Railway. My journey is very simple and straight forward. Got selected as Catering Supervisor in 1990 by writing RRB Exam. and step by step understood the culture and tradition of Indian Railways.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Change is what is the need of the hour. World has changed from the time I joined Railways. Railways has increased speed and capacity in the existing routes. Food and quality has also improved. High quality and hygienic food is available on the run. (Call-9840136004)
Involvement in the Industry
Accomplishing computerisation of account of catering in IRCTC and Chennai division. taking charge of Jan-Ahaar/Chennai Central were no one was willing to take charge was also my accomplishment.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
being able to computrise the accounting system and streamlining the quality and complaint redressal, and ensuring the team is always motivated is my strong strength
Working Life Management:
the delicate balance is made by balancing the weights on either side of the balance both work and family, so that the tilt is not great on any side....
Advice For New Professionals:
be Patient and honest.
Degrees That Matter:
Degree in Catering and Tourism
Professional Strengths:
Staying cool under extreme circumstances and ability to control temper under harsh conditions. knowledge of the cirsumstance and knowledge of the law and regulation along with the rules and policies of the job is my strongest professional skill/attribute.
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