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Advice Request
A C Vijay Chander
A C Vijay Chander

A C Vijay Chander



Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
yeah i owe to answer this question..each and every single engineer owe to answer it..from my point of view its simply because of our education there is no practical type of training thats the problem..students simply study over thier books and vomitin it in exam..this kind of situation ends with lack in technical aspects!!
Being different
engineer!!tis word sounds too worst in my ear!!to be frank i feel ashame to show myself as an engineer..why because even bcom,bca kind of graduates earnin more than me..then what the need to study engineerin?may be fault on my side..i agree..but 80% of enginnerin students also facin the same problem as of clearly it explains fault not only on my be frank i dont want to mingle up with friends!!disgusted because of unemployment
My advice
i myself dont have enough experience in my i dont have afford to answer this question..but one thing i wan to say "HARDWORK NEEDS"
Books recommended
no idea!!java,dotnet,c++ read all..before reading this books try to read interviever mind set!!ha ha
Making job easier
jobless fellow!!this question irritatin me!!anyway i want to put myself in good organisation soon...surely i place myself in good position asap
Current Trends
unemployment----one IT person told that IT field groomin again..thank god!!atlast i heard ts kind of statement..hope it wil happen soon
Company and job profile
i glad to inform about name is vijay chander from tamilnadu,india..i did my schooling in national lotus matric hr sec school..i finished my btech IT in sakthi engg college after that i tried hard to grab my IT bad luck still hunting for it..but i have gained lot of experience for past one and half years not in my carrier but in my life!!
Managing professional as well as personal life
professional--still blank..working hard for it
personal life--i want to be a good human is too ts short time i like to meet good people all over the world..And i like to help poor people..workin on this too!!
Challenges faced in job
its my communication and technical knowledge..i cleard all kind of round in interview expect ts technical round..dear god!!show some pity..iam workin hard on my weak parts hope i l outcome strongly in future
My achievement
iam nearing 23 be frank.still now nothing i achieved of now,i succesfully finished my engg(without arrear)..thats the achievement(pls dont laugh,give applause u know how hard it is)..and in my future i want to be good professionalist in IT field and good human being for society..i like to build orphanage to help poor people in future
My strongest Skill
professional skills--working in all aspects..really still searching for it
attributes-i have good my mind i always think about people around country and the problem they facin..i hope i l do some good in future
Goals and Ambitions
first i want to place myself in good job.want to earn some money..after that i want to help people who need..i want to build one orphanage..its my long time ambition...hope it will happen soon..
Family Background
why not? father passed away in my childhood itself..after that my mother only lead us in front..she working as a teacher(thank god for presentin one beautiful mom) younger brother studyin in jaya engg college..fate he doin his B.E(dear god pls give early job atleast to him)..and my duty to give good life to both of them..for that sake iam workin hard for my job...
My role model
its my mother only..single woman she is but equals to thousand women in attitude..she never did second marriage even though lost her husband in early age..what a sacrifice it was..and with her own effort,she made one engineer in home..yeah its me!!and budding engineer.its my for us!!but as a son nothin i did for her..hope i l do it soon..such a caring mother..she was the only reason behind my every success..and iam proud to say that she is my role god infront of me!!
My important career decision
now i decided one thing,what means doin the job related to my field is my wish,but earning some money for the sake of my family is what i need to do now..wasted my carrier for IT job almost one and half year..i dont want to repeat the same mistake throughout my what i decided means first i want to place myself in good job..whatever it may be bpo,kpo anythin else.i want to earn money..(iam right na)
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