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Advice Request
Vaibhav Kulkarni
Vaibhav Kulkarni

Vaibhav Kulkarni


ASUS India


Vaibhav Kulkarni is a member of:

Ensuring Success
Growing as a leader is a continuous process. I believe in troubleshooting
and reviewing the work on a regular basis. This can be done even by
discussions in internal meetings to see where the lag is. For me, Work and
Time management are of importance and I don't keep anything pending for the
next day.
Current work profile
I am the Chief logistics officer at ASUS India and have been in this
industry for more than twenty years. I am responsible for the end-to-end
Supply chain management at the organization and it includes activities like
freight forwarding , warehousing, distribution, etc.
Essential skills required for leaders
One has to believe in smart work and not hard work. To be a good leader, one
has to learn to identify the strengths of the team and assign or delegate
the work accordingly.
Advice to managers
I would advise them to know and trust on their strengths and to focus on
their targets. They can make calendars to plan their time better and to
track progress of the job.
Handling Office disputes
I discuss and try to understand the problem even if the person is not in my
team. This way I get a background of the issue at hand and it helps me work
out a solution that is good for the person and the company. His can bring
out a win-win situation and also boost the employee's morale.
Balancing personal and professional life
If I make
a hundred mistakes, I don't consider them as mistakes, but consider them as
hundred ways to improve myself. When there is an issue, important for me is
to find out the root cause and take corrective actions at that very moment
and then move forward. I also maintain a log book to record the mistakes as
this helps me keep a tab on similar future errors.
Taking Important career decision
Till date, getting into the field of logistics was the most important
decision that I have taken. I have enjoyed this industry and have grown in
it without losing the passion for it.
Influenced by
My Dad has influenced my life the most. He once told me that I needed to
believe in myself, never lose the confidence and to always be on the path of
Family background
My family background has been very simple. My dad owned a shop in Mumbai and
mother was a housewife. I got married in 1998 and have a kid. My wife works
at Lilavati hospital in the finance department.
My views on India Technical development
That is because of the infrastructure and facilities in our country. This
makes the students prefer jobs abroad.
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