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Advice Request
Purushottam Gupta
Purushottam Gupta

Purushottam Gupta

Web Developer

Avon Enterprises Pvt. Ltd


Purushottam Gupta is a member of:

Family Background
My father is a teahcer and my mother is a house wife.I have one brother wich is completed MA and working in self employee.

I am belong from gorakhpur as rural area.
Currently working at
I have gethering information from cleint side and analysis the document and I have apply up-to-date problem-solving skills, to handle high-pressure situations and adapt to changing situations and maximize efficiency while minimizing costs.
I have developep application and testing also complete impl
Points of inflection
I will doing best job and and will see next few year in a team lead in best IT industry.I am working full confidence with honesty my job.I am always think positive and friendly attitude with home to office and office to home time.
Areas for the Future
I am pure software developer and testing as pute and unit testing as per developer.
I ahve found bugs and self analysis the same and fixed for the same .

I have always pos and cons all the feature and functinality for the same.
Parting thoughts
I am sr s/w engineer in and doing my job well and always recongise and awarded by team and client side also i am looking good faith and better aproch with my job and dueties.
Required Reading
I am reading daily silicon news alticles and looking new and best technology as per lounch in market as per now mvc 4 and .net c# 4.5 etc.
Role Model
I am always learning to other guyes as per my team and also i am cooardinating my team and self coding and code review and testing my work with team work
A Fine Balance:
I have decide the task periority with time managing technique with manage our team and client for the same.
I have do my job as fun and always learn new tech etc.
Changes in the industry
I am developer its for tester.
Current and Previous Responsibilities
Now days I and handling a team and reporting our task and responsibilities to my seniours and all time manage self with team with friendly environment.
But before my pre prof i am oure developer only I have one way i will do my job only one side but now days i have more resp and libi etc.
The Journey So Far
I have completed MCA in 06 from from IGNOU and I have join one comp as fresher and will do somw timw job and then chage job in gurgoun and then delhi and then Noida
and per change job rele and resp so for change career journey.
Plans for the Future
I am doing my best job and looking few year in as team lead or project lead within year.
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