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Soham Majumdar
Soham Majumdar

Soham Majumdar

PR Proffessional

Value 360 Communications

My family background
I am originally from Kolkata, currently residing and working in Delhi. My father is a retired medical representative. I have an elder sister who is a professional painter, now residing in the USA. She is married to a software professional who is currently employed with Google.
Brief description about me
Presently I am working as a Director, Content and Strategy Development, with Value 350 Communications. I am closely involved with creating plans and formulating media communications strategy for 15 clients within the organization. Some of the clients I currently handle include Sony LIV, Victoria Foods, Fashion & You etc. Prior to joining Value 360 communications I have worked with a few MNC PR firms like Weber Shandwick, Text 100 Global Public Relations, Perfect Relations and Genesis Burson Marsteller handling the corporate mandates for HP, EMC, Cisco, Bharti Walmart etc. In all, I have around 6 years of experience in the PR industry. On a personal front, I love to travel, prepare new cuisine and write blogs, poems, articles et all. I completed my education from Hans Raj College, Delhi University.
My role model
My role model is actually a fictional Character, the protagonist "Howard Roark" from Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead". His untiring belief in his vision and his focus, brilliance and foresightedness in everything he ever did is what inspires me the most. He fought against all adversities and held tight to whatever he had conviction in, is something worth a praise. The novel and the way his character was portrayed in the book is riveting and leaves a permanent imprint in your mind as you turn the last page.
Degree that I recommend
I think I should have done an MBA. In fact, I am weighing the options as I write this.
Couple of years from now
In the profession I am in, I see most of my peers in the industry going into Corporate Communications, as a natural progression. Agency to Corp Corp Comm has been the rule rather than an exception. Personally, I wish to consolidate my position as a PR professional working and adding value to an agency and grow up the value chain. May be years down the line I will think about starting something of my own - an entrepreneurial venture. That as of now, is a distant dream.
Influenced by
It is very difficult for me to pin point on a single person. I would term them as 'friends'. However, if it has to be someone in particular, it would undoubtedly be one of my teacher in school- Mr. Bhaskar Chatterjee. His unflinching belief and conviction in me and my strengths had played a catalytic role in making me who I am today. I owe a lot of my success to him and what I learned from him - some of it goes beyond typical school's rote learning pedagogy. Some of my peers in the PR industry also contributed a lot to whatever success I have achieved till date.
More about myself
Well, I would term myself as a budding author (laughs). A compilation of my poems is getting published, later this year. The poems range across diverse topics- value systems, humanity, changing social diaspora, love, hope, emotions etc.
Important decision
The first among them would be the decision to pursue my higher studies and chart my career path in Delhi. If I had stayed in Kolkata, I would not have been what I am now. For the simple reason, PR as a profession is still to carve out its niche in that part of the country. The second decision would be opting for pursuing PR as a career. I started with copy writing and soon realized, where my real calling lies.Since then, there was no looking back. I live in the present and try to make the most of what I have at hand. Once you excel in that, other things follow. This belief has never let me down, till date. I love taking on challenges and fulfilling responsibilities.
Ensuring success
I am an insatiable learner. They say, "You stop learning, you stop growing.". Nothing can be truer than that. I challenge myself each and every day. I have to be better tomorrow than what I am today. This is the attitude I wear. We have something to learn from each and everyone, no matter who he or she is, where is he/she from. I strongly believe we should all have our feet firmly placed on the ground, no matter how high we rise. Because, at the end of the day we cant be somebody else if we are not 'who we are'. It does not worth it and such success is always short-lived. Giving up on yourself to be seen as somebody else has never been a master-stroke. This is true both on the professional as well as on the personal front.
Initiative to develop a country
Do your job well and be a responsible citizen. Own things and love your your country and your countrymen. Be resilient. Be helpful and compassionate. Easier said than done but here is where the answer lies. At least I believe it to be so.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Vision, compassion, belief in one's own self and in others and most importantly, a good heart which is free of prejudices and biased beliefs. Be the one among those who you are leading, understand them, their goals and dreams, then take on the mantle of a leader.
My strongest skill
Since I was a kid, I had a knack for creativity, content writing and generating ideas and that is what I do now, for a living. Even before I realized myself that I have these strengths; friends, families and peers saw these qualities in me. In fact they believe in me more than I believe in myself when it comes to these attributes. Apart from this, I don't think my polite and docile nature is a deterrent; in fact it is an advantage.
Important lesson learned
The lessons I have learned are more on a personal front. It is simple. Never love any other person more than you love yourself. We see the other person just as we are ourselves. Be aware but don't be a suspicious paranoid. (laughs)
My achievements
There are many. Majority of them are related to my professional life. Three promotions in a year, a client win, etc.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Wow!. In fact I wrote an entire article on this. The message that 3-Idiots gave out- The film talks about the Indian education system and its unflinching ability to provide the best-in-class theoretical education, yet inadvertently, have not been able to transform it into a viable catalyst for progress. India is a land of absolute abundance but this abundance also stretches to the fact that India is land of contradictions – abundant contradictions. If we dig deep enough we would realize that India has got all the ingredients of becoming a nation to be reckoned with. Its on the road to become an economic super-power and the recent global financial meltdown reiterated the fact- India came out of it faster than most other developing and developed countries. But, we do have a relative lack of certain aspects that needs to be addressed on priority. One of these is that we lag behind a few countries in terms of having an efficient and progressive Research & development infrastructure.
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