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silicon india Daily dose
Friday, December 09, 2016
Product Management & New Age Careers Seminar
Gadget Guide
Lenovo's K6 Power smartphone has been a hit on Flipkartwith over 1,000 units reported to have been sold every minute after the disposal went live.
Micromax Informatics launched a new Video range of smartphone that comes pre-bundled with video calling app Google Duo.
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has triumphantly made its first close dive past the outer edges of Saturn's rings since beginning its penultimate mission phase.
Global printing and personal computer major HP announced that it has redesigned HP Managed Print Services (MPS) to help protect corporate print environments against cyber attacks.
CIOReview India Featuring Enterprise Solution to Redefine Business Goals
Indian giant Tata Steel pledged to stay in Britain with a 10-year commitment to a one-bn-pound payment plan as part of crucial talks with steelworkers' unions to save many jobs in the UK.
Tata Motors-owned Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) reported a 2 pct increase in November retail sales at 47,588 units.
the capital of Yogyakarta Special Region in Java, Indonesia. It is renowned as a center of education (Kota Pelajar), classical Javanese fine art and culture such as batik, ballet, drama, music, poetry, and puppet shows.
Sasivekalu Ganesha Temple, a giant monolithic statue of Lord Ganesha, is one of the popular attractions in Hampi. The statue is 8 feet tall.
Real Estate City
Ashiana Housing Limited (Listed BSE/ NSE) the pioneers in Middle housing & Senior Housing in the country are looking at accelerated growth in the coming fiscal.
Selling an apartment/flat during a property market slowdown requires a good preparation. The news papers and online real estate sites are ample number of options.
Humor of the Day
In the beginning, God created the Bit and the Byte. And from those he created the Word.And there were two Bytes in the Word and nothing else existed. And God separated the One from the Zero and he saw it was good.
His friend suggested that he go to a computer at the drug store that can diagnose anything quicker and than a doctor. ''Simply put in of your urine and the computer will diagnose your problem and tell you what you can do about it.
Personal Finance
The rate cut cycle may not be over, and the Reserve Bank may go for a 25-50 bps cut in calender year 2017, as the underlying disinflationary forces are expected to continue next year.
In a bid to speed up small value online transactions, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) relaxed norms for additional factor of authentication (AFA) for payments up to Rs.2,000.
Interviews and screening processes are crucial in any talent acquisition process. Of these processes, HR round is a must for all candidates before wrapping up the interview process.
India's e-retail and allied sectors including logistics, warehousing and IT/ITeS are expected to create about 1.45 mn direct jobs by 2021.
Enterprise IT
Entrepreneurial triumph is all about innovative thinking and revolutionary ideas to achieve maximum business outcomes and thrive independently in the global market.
WittyFeed, an Indore-based startup that has marked itself on the World Map with the loudest buzz. Today they are named world's second largest content company.
This unique scenario has proven a fertile landscape for MITS leadership to not only establish the organization as a prominent voice in the telecommunications sector, but also as a recognized authority on number portability.
Considering the availability of resources, channels and the requirements of end-consumers, the organization initially started its proceedings focused on modems.
Best of New India Blogs
Growing energy requirements and the ability for production to match this pace is another huge challenge India faces today.
Whatever, wherever and whichever scams, fires and wrong happenings are focused in our country public discuss as it can be conspiracy, motive or for individual benefit or any other.
Life & Style
Apple is treading cautiously in the self driving cars arena and is buoyed by the potential of automated transportation.
In the face of growing demand for SUVs, french major Renault is betting big on multipurpose vehicles (MPVs) and will soon launch a new variant of Lodgy Stepway, focusing on the fleet segment.

US Indian
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is going to keep Indian American Preet Bharara in his job as a high-profile federal prosecutor with charge of Wall Street and important security matters in New York.
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump nominated a second Indian-American woman to a top administration position, putting her in charge of a federal agency within the health department.

Startup City
CoutLoot, an end-to-end fashion re-commerce sector, has been selected for Facebook's developer-focused "FbStart" programme.
After food tech, education tech and logistic-tech companies, stakeholders have shifted their interest in fashion-technology start-ups.
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