Greatest Tech Hoaxes Of All Time

War of the Worlds: Remember this movie? If you have never heard of this movie then go download it and watch it. Well before this concept was made into a Hollywood movie, it was a radio program based on H.G Well’s story of Martian Invasion, which was broadcasted by CBS networks back in 1938.

This radio was so real that the people in America, believing the story, actually abandoned their homes and fled. Later days, when Wells was asked about it he said that it could have been a deliberate plan of hoax. This is considered as one of the biggest hoaxes in the world.

The ‘Good Times’ Virus: Virus is a dangerous thing for our computers and the levels of frustrations can never be explained when we lose data due to a computer virus. Well back in 1994, there was a huge hoax about a virus called ‘Good Times’. This virus, as believed, was spread through emails, especially with email subject headers that had ‘Good Times’.

Well as always, there was no such virus, but the hoax did have a huge impact where emails with the subject headline ‘Good Times’ were sent out by friends just to scare people. This just caused chaos where genuine emails were buried as fake and thus the internet went down the drain.

Microsoft iLoo: A Microsoft division in U.K back in 2003 came up with an idea of a highly sophisticated fully wired and internet- ready porta potty. This Potty was to have a silicone waterproof keyboard, with plasma screen and internet connection via wireless LAN.

Later Microsoft sent out a bulletin saying that it was a hoax. Although there were plans of manufacturing one of these but the plan was abandoned.

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