Google Products: What's Hot And What's Not!

Google+: Miss

Google+ was launched amidst many speculations and expectations. It was cited to overtake Facebook on social media sites.

It was launched in 2011 with many new features and various options for becoming more socially active with ease and comfort.

Though it gathered pace in its initial days with options like Hangouts, video chats allowing maximum 10 people to connect at a single time and Circles, which let users choose groups with which they share and content.

Later, it just faded away with tough competitors advancing over. Google+ lost its charm and has now become a quite spectator on social media sites, but in marketing world, top brands have more followers in Google+ rather than any other sites.

Android: Hit

Today, owning an Android phone has become an essential part of life and a great help in regulating daily chores with ease. The mobile market is flooded with Android SmartPhones, which was first launched in 2008.

Google bought the developer back in 2005 and since then it has been gaining much popularity in software industry and is dominating the mobile market.

By the first quarter of this year, Android acquired an 81.1 percent global market share, according to International Data Corporation. Android is packed with amazing features and applications like, Gmail, Google Maps and many more.

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