Passwords That Can Never Be Hacked!

Dubai: With an ever-increasing cases of online account hacking being reported, it’s getting difficult to protect passwords and keep the accounts safe. But worry no more.

A computer scientist has devised what he calls 'geographical passwords' to protect online accounts and keep the hackers at bay.

Computer scientist Ziyad Al-Salloum of ZSS-Research in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, has devised 'geographical passwords' as a simple yet practical approach to access credentials that could provide secure access to different entities.

At the same time, it would mitigate many of the vulnerabilities associated with current password-based schemes.

The new 'geo' approach exploits our remarkable ability to recall with relative ease a favourite or visited place and to use that place's specific location as the access credentials.

The prototype system developed at ZSS-Research is capable of protecting a system against known password threats.

“It's much easier to remember a place you have visited than a long, complicated password,” argued Al-Salloum.

Even strong, but conventional passwords are a security risk in the face of increasingly sophisticated “hacker” tools that can break into servers and apply brute force to reveal passwords.

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Source: PTI