Google to Include Personal email in Web Search Results

Google to Include Personal email in Web Search Results

San Francisco: Google is trying out a new feature which would enable its web search engine results to integrate information from users' personal email accounts such as Gmail. "Sometimes the best answer to your question isn't available on the public web - it may be contained somewhere else, such as in your email," Amit Singhal, Google's senior vice president in charge of search, wrote in a post on the company's blog. "Starting today, we're opening up a limited trial where you can sign up to get information from your Gmail right from the search box," Xinhua quoted him as saying. Singhal noted that the new feature is an attempt to make Google's search results to be "truly universal." As an example cited by Google, when signed up users search for "my flights" on Google's public web search engine, they will see their flight confirmation emails for any upcoming trips right on top of the search results.

Source: IANS