8 Biggest Acquisitions Made by Google


Did you see that video of Gangnam style, obviously almost everyone has come across that video on YouTube.  YouTube is the biggest video sharing service, with almost 100 hours of video are uploaded every minute on YouTube servers. Approximately, we all use YouTube in our daily lives.

Google purchased YouTube in 2006 for just $1.65 billion where WhatsApp  was sold to Facebook for heavy $17 billions, now that’s quite not fair with YouTube. But Google acknowledge this purchase amongst the best ones because the amount of revenue that YouTube brings to Google is enormous.

5. Waze

Waze is a GPS-based geographical navigation application program for smartphones with GPS support. It acts as an information provider about the routes and details according to the user submitted travel  query.

Google sealed the deal of purchasing Waze for $1.3 billion. Google added Waze traffic to Google Maps in August 2013 and further in November 2013, the Traffic with Waze card was merged into Google Now.

 Adding to its popularity, comedian Kevin Hart became the first celebrity to feature in the U.S. version of Waze.