8 Never Known Facts About Twitter

Bangalore: It didn’t took long for Twitter, the microblogging service to win hearts of half a billion people around the world. The ‘140 character limited’ social network has even shown its power by fuelling revolutions in some countries.   According to the statistics, the users tweet more than 500million messages a day, whose characteristics define the ‘happenings’ around the world.

But these are just official statistics. Recently, a social media firm Beevolve released the detailed report on “An Exhaustive Study of Twitter Users Across the World,” which shed light to some never known, surprising factors about the site.

Here are nine of them, compiled by Huffington Post.

#8 Twitterers love "love"

The most frequently used word in the bios of users’ bios is “love.” “Like” and “Life,” the similar words follow the most used word in numbers.


#7 A full 25 Percent of Users Have Never Tweeted

According to Twitter, the best thing is "You don’t have to build a web page to surf the web, and you don’t have to tweet to enjoy Twitter.” It seems most of the users are following these words as out of the total members, a quarter never tweeted. They use Twitter to get news and enjoy the conversations, without taking part in them.