5 Most Annoying Tech Habits Of 21st Century

Bangalore: Sometimes technology does not matter, but the way we use it matters a lot! Nowadays we see ourselves interacting a lot with gadgets and the internet, so does the potential chance go up on number of ways to offend each other.

Let’s look at some of the most annoying tech habits that evolved recently.

# 5 Spamming your friends’ Facebook feeds

Just as your Facebook page is all for yourself, so is for your friends. Whether you are passionate about your new work place, your colleagues and the environment or if it is your cause or fundraiser, it is completely supportable to post those insights on your page, which means ‘YOUR’ Facebook page. Posting on other people’s pages should remain personal to them says Becky Worley of Yahoo News.

When you post your issues on your friend’s Facebook wall, it is basically a spam, she says. May be this may not seem invasive for their friends but if it’s on their timeline, feels a little invasive. So what is better to post are birthday wishes, congratulations and other messages of support, which will carry a healthy Facebook interaction between the two of you.

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