3 Unknown Ways How Google Maps Is Helping The World

Bangalore: Google’s greatest asset is its huge chunks of data. If you think this data is only used for the social and knowledge initiatives of the company, you are probably wrong. Different organizations in the world are coordinating with Google to power some nonprofit initiatives which will do well for the entire humanity and bring a global change.

Here are some projects which harvest Google’s power.

Google Earth Engine is Completely Monitoring Earth’s Environment

Scientists are looking out for various measures to monitor the changes in earth’s environment. For this purpose, Google is helping them with Google Earth technology which combines satellite imagery and historical data.

Earth Engine combines Google Earth's data and Google’s immense cloud computing infrastructure to provide a powerful environmental analysis package that can be used to measure all kinds of data about the Earth, including extent of forests and oceans to measuring carbon levels in rainforests.

The time for scientists to process these data is chopped down by Google's cloud computing resources, and the software makes things easier with pre-processing features like automatically removing clouds and haze from satellite images. Google is donating a whopping 10 million CPU hours to researchers who want to use Google Earth Engine, which should do plenty to help track deforestation and measure the world's water resources.