12 Secrets behind Facebook's Ride to Success

Bangalore: Who would have thought that a project started for fun in the Harvard dorm room would take the picture of one of the biggest IPO ever. Definitely Facebook has had a memorable journey since its beginning in 2004 and touched the zeniths of success in a small span of time.

The idea that was adopted by mark Zuckerberg and other co-founders of Facebook has been used by many to climb the ladder of success but none have got close enough to the definition of social network by Facebook. Business Insider compiled a list of secrets that it feels has made the simple social networking website, a giant in technology.

Here are the secrets behind building the perfect social network.

1. Get started, Get Fast

When Zuckerberg got the idea of building a social networking site, he never stopped to make business plans, doing market research and he never asked anyone about what they thought about it. He started coding and developing right at the moment. Imagine the amount of time he would have wasted doing all that entrepreneurs do before building their company.

2. Ideas are important, but execution matters

Remember the bunch of companies that had similar ideas to build networking sites, but hardly anything worked. Sites like friendster had to meet darker fates than many others who could not even take off. At such times, it was the execution of the idea that held importance for Facebook. No other firm had actually put their ideas into the program editor as well as Facebook did.