11 Things You Should Never Ever Do On Facebook

Bangalore: Let us drop the act and agree that Facebook is cool. You can crib all you want about how it takes up your time and how it gives you unnecessary information. You still can’t go one day without checking your page, can you? But there are some unwritten rules that one must follow to become popular on social networking sites. We are here to tell you 11 things that you should never ever do on Facebook unless you want to commit social suicide.

1. Those annoying enhanced photos:

Facebook gives us that valuable opportunity to show the world how absolutely ‘picture perfect ‘we look. It is ok to slightly tweak that self portrait on editing software. But nothing justifies those super enhanced photos where you look like a scary relative of Kim Kardarshian. That bright background, unreal skin color and clichéd text is nowhere close to real. If it were people would have called you ET. Editing self portraits is ok but creating a completely new you is not.