10 Stupidest Quotes Ever Said By Smartest Tech Personalities

#2 Bill Gates: "We will never make a 32-bit operating system."

This is the second Gates prediction on the list that went wrong. In 1989, he stood up in front of the press and said: "We will never make a 32-bit operating system," made everyone think WTF?

Microsoft had just made the shift to a 16-bit operating system and everyone with more than a few brain cells could see that 32-bit was the future. The only explanation for this is that Gates was focused on getting the 16-bit operating system embedded in enterprise. He must have known he was wrong, but did it for the sales.

Intel was so committed that it rushed out the 64-bit Itanium barely a decade later; wasting billions on trying to push the market faster than it would go.

#1 Steve Jobs: "We don't know how to build a cheap computer."

If you track the recent years, the size and price of the computers are on consistent fall. Apple, however, stayed out of the netbook market, the reason is its unwilling to compromise the quality of its MacBook line. Jobs on more than one occasion, famously said that Apple simply didn't know how to make a cheap portable personal computer that wasn't utterly rubbish. Apple’s iPad for $500, proved that the company indeed can make a non-rubbish computer for cheaper price.

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