The Lesser-Known Apps That Entrepreneurs Love

FlowDock: Cindy Gallop

Cindy Gallop was named the Advertising Woman of the year in 2003. She is the founder of and, which was launched at TED 2009, and recently launched the revised version of the same.

About FlowDock, Cindy says, “It's great for talking, sharing work in progress, seeing progress in Pivotal Tracker, being able to react and address lightning-fast in real time, while also monitoring us in social media to respond

” Flowdock is an inbox with chat facility and is very responsive, as you can chat instantly and view messages on the go. It replaces Skype or any other messenger services and can keep your inbox free from automated mails. It supports integration to over 50 tools, which keep you updated. It’s easy and simple to chat and crack a conversation.

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