Indian Ecosystem To Be Rocked By These Startups

appsAPPKNOX:  In 2014, Harshit Agarwal, Subho Halder, Prateek Panda started APPKNOX, with the funding from The Joyful Frog Digital Incubator of $25k. APPKNOX is all about offering developers and brand owners a security audit-tool for source code and app binary file analysis. The company alerts developers of flaws or any loophole in the apps. The clients are charged according to the threat detection.

VIOLETSTREET:  A startup set up in Hyderabad, by Ankur Gupta, Nayan Kumar back in 2013 with an initial funding of 10 lakhs. Violetstreet is an online fashion store that houses brands from all over the place. The interesting part about this site is that it allows for real-time feedback from family and friends by just dragging and dropping the product. Violetstreet creates money by generating traffic for ecommerce companies.

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