Entrepreneurs Take A Leap Of Faith In Tech


 (#)Bringing faith and technology

The concept of practicing religion online is not new,ProudUmmah.com is one such website that focuses on Islamic pilgrimages to Mecca, the site sells kits intended for the pilgrimage; offers requisite information on related rites and rituals and facilitates travel through a network of over 1,200 registered agents.

ProudUmmah.com closed over 800 orders in less than two years and enquires are growing.

(#)Challenges Remain

While success has come quickly, challenges remain. It is very true that even after achieving success, challenges never end.

The religious market structure is mainly consisting of mature people that are not tech-savvy; reaching them is difficult. Another issue that put challenges is location as many clients live in villages and second and third-tier cities.

According to K Ganesh, an entrepreneur and early investor in OnlinePrasad, “The challenge will always be to be innovative, move fast and stay ahead of the curve but the early success of disruptive technology in e-commerce in India suggests that the market is ripe for niche categories like spirituality,” reports CNBC.

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