So When Should You Quit Being an Entrepreneur

Bangalore: The success of startups like Pinterest, Foursquare and Instagram has been inspiring thousands of youngsters to take up entrepreneurship instead of sticking on to their usual 10 to 5 jobs. But alas, though many make it big in the market, not every startup can attain the stature like Google has today and nor can every entrepreneur achieve success as quickly as Mark Zuckerberg.

More than a status, Failure is an important realization and entrepreneurs must realize the time when enough is enough. Denying failure and not ejecting before your startup jet crashes can be leading you to a devastating fall on a hard ground of reality. and Business Insider tell us how to realize that your startup is failing and it is time to pack your bags.

Let us know how to realize that entrepreneurship was at last a wrong turn

1. Is it taking too long?

Entrepreneurship is a hard game and calls for a lot of patience. Even then, there is a particular duration or span of time that the entrepreneur must dedicate to attain one particular goal. Imagine what would have happened if Facebook would have taken a couple of years more to acquire funds for development and would have launched in late 2010. Would it have achieved what it has otherwise? Not likely, because there were high chances of some one else coming up with similar idea and implementing it within no time. Hence, instead of looking up and waiting for the fruit of success to shower on you on a rather clear and sunny day, you need to realize. Either swing it hard or get right out of the pitch.