Make Starting Up Easy With These 7 Simple Tech Tools

Bangalore: Startup entrepreneurs generally tend to use the most sophisticated technology to boost up their enterprise which is incorrect. The more advanced a technology is, the more is it time consuming to understand, train and to maintain the same. New technologies cost more and this would be an irrelevant expenditure during the initial stages of a business. It is more advisable for startups to operate with available technology which is much more nominal and useful. Listed below are some of the easy to use tools that can help a startup operate much more efficiently and smartly as reported by

Jitterbug Plus

This is known to be one of the easiest to use models available on the market. It was designed and produced by Del Mar, Calif.-based GreatCall Wireless and is available at a $119. This has a very basic layout and it consists of large numbers on keypads with four important buttons for ‘send’, ‘cancel’, ‘yes’, ‘no’.

It is designed for employees who just need the basic function of calling and texting and also serves the purpose for people who are less likely to adopt new mobile technologies. The most attractive part is that, this phone does not require a contract. The basic service plans starts at $15 a month, and insurance costs $4 a month.