8 Most Respected Entrepreneurs in the World History

He is also known to be the person who solely invented modern advertising and instantly became rich with his innovative promotional activities. He gained immense popularity for introducing midget Tom Thumb to Jumbo the giant elephant. He credits his richness to circus and the people who patiently watched and laughed. He is also credited with coining the popular quote – "There's a sucker born every minute."

Thomas Edison

Most respected American inventor and businessman.

‘I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work,’ is the most popular quote that most of us would remember when we talk about Thomas Alva Edison. He is one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all time with over 1,093 U.S. patents in his name. He gained great popularity with the invention of electric bulb, phonograph and the motion camera. Apart from patent in United States, he also few patents in his belt in countries like Germany, United Kingdom and France.  With all such inventions and innovations he is considered to be the fourth most prolific inventors of all time. His inventions were crucial and are considered to be of utmost use to the common man. He is the only combination of genius and an entrepreneur.