7 Startup Ideas That Can Tap Water Conservation As Business

Bangalore: ‘Water entrepreneurs’ are known to be life savers and problem solvers. They deal with a global issue like water scarcity and help the world to have backups with the resources that the nature has provided. Many countries in the world do not have drinking water ad they suffer from natural calamities making it more miserable to live. Entrepreneurs and companies have found a new business opportunity and they must be quite successful by taking ‘water’ as their business opportunity. A new startup idea in an exclusively different sector, let’s look at some of the startups and their creative ideas to sustain their business reign in the stream of – water startups or water entrepreneurs as reported by Inc.

Efficient Home or Business

Water usage does not have tracking system; hence the usage of water increases day by day, from households to giant industries. When a tracking system is available to control the usage of water, it becomes a major success to save water and also the tracking system becomes useful as it brings gives the consumption in a data format.

A dashboard presentation of water consumption using graphs and pie charts, comparing your water usage with that of your neighbors can actually decrease your water usage to the maximum limit. For industries, it compares the usage of one industry with that of the other in the same business and also provides ideas and information to cut down the water usage.

Water Smart Software form California, USA, is one such startup that works in this genre helping the state and country to conserve water to a great extent through dashboard presentations.