5 Misleading Entrepreneurial Fallacies

Bangalore: Great success and eternal glory in business achieved by entrepreneurs in a short period creates a tough film of misconception around the aspiring youngsters. Building a startup, actually a very tough job, is mistaken by people to be a walk in the park and many fall into the trap by leaving their well paid jobs to start a company.

If you think you will be the king of your world when you own a company and that you will have all the time in the world. Think again. YoungEntrepreneur list 5 big myths about being an entrepreneur that would give an effective reality check to every aspiring entrepreneur.

Here are the biggest myths about being an entrepreneur.

1. All Entrepreneurs are highly successful

Well to be frank, the truth is that they are not. Like every field in the world, success in entrepreneur ship depends on many parameters including the targeted market, skill, team and a bit of luck. Not all startups can become as successful as Facebook and nor will all entrepreneurs taste the glory as Steve jobs. So you need to be realistic about the situation of the market and hold your imagination from making castles of success on the cloud.