10 Concrete Tips for Landing a Job at Startup

Connect With Startup Recruiters

Job recruiters or head hunters are already in market who promises to place you with a good job in the startup industry. Get in touch with one such kind via LinkedIn, social media, friends or family. They might let your dream come true.

Identify Someone Who Has Connections to the Startup You Are Interested In

Startup is not one in number or kind. There are different types of startups coming up and it’s important that you shortlist your choice before stepping forward. The selection of what kind of startup you will head is just not based on your passion or interest. You need to know the reality and truths hidden in these startups inside the industry. To get a fair picture, try to get in touch with people who presently belong to this sector. They will cut short all your myths and illusions and give you a practical scenario of what it means to be in a startup company.

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