Asian Games 2023: Glittering show marks vibrant opening ceremony at Hangzhou Olympic Sports Stadium

Asian Games 2023: Glittering show marks vibrant opening ceremony at Hangzhou Olympic Sports Stadium
The 19th Asian Games got underway in Hangzhou, China, with a glittering and vibrant opening ceremony at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Centre Stadium. Men’s Hockey Team captain Harmanpreet Singh and the Olympic medalist boxer Lovlina Borgohain led the Indian contingent. With 655 athletes, 260 coaches and support staff, India’s 921-member contingent is one of the biggest, other than the Republic of China’s.
With 40 different sports and 61 disciplines, athletes will compete for a total of 483 gold medals during two weeks of the sport’s greatest extravaganza this year. The commencement of the continental showdown lit up the Big Lotus, the venue initially designed as a football arena back in 2018 that can accommodate 80,000 spectators.
After the torchbearers of all participating countries were present with their respective contingents, Wang Hao, President of the 19th Asian Games, addressed the crowd. After that, Randhir Singh - the acting president of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), gave a speech and received a huge applause from the crowd on using some phrases in Chinese language. Chinese President Xi Jinping then officially declared the start of the 19th Asian Games during his address. Soon after, the OCA flag was hoisted, and everyone was urged to stand up during the hoisting.
Countless artists then took over the stage, showcasing the country’s culture, tradition and history via their enchanting performances. The beautiful background score and the right blend of colours during each of the performances made it a sight to behold for everyone inside the stadium and billions watching on TV. With the perfect use of Artificial intelligence, eco-friendly technology and fireworks in the end, the opening ceremony got over, announcing the start of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, China.