2016's Biggest Expected Changes In The Indian Car Industry

Affordable Micro SUVs

# Affordable Micro SUVs

The trend for the Micro SUVs in India is catching up day by day so we can expect lot more vehicles coming our way in 2016. Mahindra’s code named S101 could launch in 2 months and Maruti’s ignis will also be out the next year. So, there are lot more models expected the next year and change the trend in car market.  

Ciaz Smart Hybrid

# Affordable Hybrid Technologies

Now with the pollution being a serious problem, the car manufacturers have taken up initiative to adopt the hybrid technologies. Maruti’s Ciaz comes with a hybrid diesel engine and was the first affordable hybrid diesel in India.

The company has plans to equip the future cars and existing ones with hybrids too. As a result, there will be lot more vehicle manufacturers switching to the tech as they are lot more fuel efficient and less harmful to the nature.

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