10 Dishes to Try This Bakhri Eid

Mughlai Keema

Another panache that is borrowed from Moghlai cuisine is the use of minced meat or ‘keema’. At the then times, keema was considered a common man’s staple food and not meant for the classy or wealthy. Now the same is culinary highlight during Eid celebrations. The minced meat is made irresistible with lots of flavored spices and sauces. Its makes a rich and fiery meal.

Herbed Roasted Beef

Considered as the national dish of England, this one is marinated beef grilled on fire. Abundant spices and raw materials like raw papaya, yoghurt or lime juice are used to marinated the meat over hours so that when served its tender and zesty. Muslims add herbs like parsley, tarragon, thyme and basil to exaggerate the taste of the beef.

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