Maharashtra Among Top Tobacco Consumers in India

Despite a prohibition on smoking in public and a proposed ban on consuming gutka, Maharashtra remains one of the largest consumers of tobacco in...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30:00 AM IST

'Soft Drinks not Linked to Childhood Obesity'

Soft drinks and other sweetened beverages don't contribute to childhood obesity, though it may increase the risk factor among boys aged 6-11 years,...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30:00 AM IST

'Marital Discord Creates Emotional Problems in Children'

Marital discord between parents, especially during kindergarten years, is long lasting and can cause emotional problems during adolescence

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30:00 AM IST

Brush Your Teeth to Avoid Cancer!

They found a link between high levels of dental plaque, or bacteria, and dying from cancer up to 13 years earlier than might otherwise be expected.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30:00 AM IST

Post-menopause, Women More Vulnerable to Heart Attacks

This observation is behind a great deal of received wisdom, where oestrogen is assumed to have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Today, new data seems to question these assumptions.

Offspring of Older Fathers May Live Longer

Heavy Use of Mobile, PC Affects Sleep, Mental Health

Less Sleep Enhances Stroke Risk Among Middle-Aged

SMART Biochip can Speedily Detect Flu Virus

Low-carb Diet May Not be Good for Heart: Study

The research, conducted in Sweden over 25 years, tracked the health of 140,000 people after it was noticed that occurrence of cardiovascular diseases was particularly high there in the 1970s.

Mumbai's Kokilaben Hospital Unveils Robotic Arm for Surgeries

Treat Cancer in Half an Hour

Mumbai Heart Hospital Ranked Safest in the World