Eating Time Too Impacts Weight Gain, Shows Study

Latest research holds that not only the quantity and type of food but also the time of day when it is eaten plays important role in contributing to...

Thursday, 12 July 2012, 04:41 Hrs

Public Smoking 16 Times More Polluting: Study

If you stand next to someone smoking at a bus stop, there are fair chances that you'll be exposed to fine particulate pollution nearly 16 times...

Thursday, 12 July 2012, 04:38 Hrs

General Motors To Launch Two New Cars This Year

General Motors India will launch two new vehicles this year despite a "sluggish" market, a top company official said.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012, 11:37 Hrs

Diabetics Face Four Times Greater TB Risk

A third of the world's population, living in developing countries, carry a dormant tuberculosis (TB) bug, which remains a lifelong risk.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012, 04:32 Hrs

More Role for Women in Population Policy: Experts

India needs to move away from its "targeted approach" towards family panning programmes that have been in existence under a decade-old policy.

The Less You Sit the Longer You Live

New Class of Vaccines Won't Rrequire Cold Storage

World's First Anti-Obesity Shot Promising

New Approach to Minimise Skin Scarring

Experts Stress 5 Musts Before Weight Loss Surgery

Even as India and China top the global chart of obese and diabetic people, experts charted out five prerequisites for patients and surgeons before weight loss surgery, doctors said.

Strawberries Prevent Heart Disease, Diabetes

India Gets First Tele-ICU for Critical Patients

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