What Are The Most Important Roles To Fill In A Marketing Team?

What Are The Most Important Roles To Fill In A Marketing Team?

If you’re starting a company and your background isn’t in marketing, you might be wondering who your first few hires should be. After all, you need to fill the most crucial roles first to get your business off the ground.

But what are the most vital skills to look out for when developing a robust marketing team for a start-up? If hiring for a marketing team feels intimidating, we’re here to help. Keep reading to discover the most important marketing personnel to have on your team to help grow your business promptly and sustainably.

Digital Marketing Specialist

A digital marketer’s job description includes an abundance of technical tasks like setting up marketing tools like AppsFlyer, conducting SEO research, using graphic design tools, compressing JPG files, converting JPG files to PDF files, and a wide range of other digital skills. Arguably there’s no other role where you can benefit from learning all available keyboard shortcuts for Excel! And more often than not, when the rest of the marketing team has technical problems or questions, the digital marketing specialist is often their first point of contact.

This role goes further than technical work, however. Depending on who else you’ve got on staff, a digital marketing specialist might also be responsible for running their company’s social media accounts, running digital ads, sending out promotional emails and more.

Digital is at the heart of marketing, and every company should have someone on their team who specialises in the vital discipline that is online marketing – as well as all the digital skills that are innately required to thrive in that dynamic role.

SEO Specialist

SEO marketers have some of the most specialised skills in all of marketing. The job of an SEO specialist is to ensure that your website and the various pages in it rank as highly as possible on Google and other search engines. This makes SEO skills an absolute must-have for your marketing team.

An SEO specialist’s job description includes handling the technical aspects of SEO, including meta descriptions, website crawling, indexing and more. They also work closely with the content team on backlinking, drafting keywords for blog posts and web pages and more. In some companies, the SEO specialist and content specialist might be the same person.

Brand Manager

Every successful business needs a strong brand. That’s why we strongly recommend having someone on your team whose primary responsibility is creating and developing your brand and all brand materials.

A brand manager’s job includes creating a brand bible and ensuring that the rest of the marketing team adheres to it. This involves coming up with brand fonts, brand colours, key slogans and more. It’s also important to define your brand voice and ensure your content marketers maintain it. This will affect how you write blog posts, web content, marketing emails, social media posts and other written content.

Social Media Marketer

Managing a company’s social media accounts sometimes falls under a brand manager’s job description, but a growing company might decide to hire someone specifically for this role as the workload grows. A social media marketer’s job is to ensure that all of a company’s social media profiles are on-brand and do a good job of building a customer community.

A social media marketer’s role is not primarily to sell. Their primary function is to serve as a liaison between a company and its existing and potential customers. They need to keep them abreast of the latest news and promotions from your company, and should also be able to gauge public sentiment and help the marketing team as a whole make decisions based on what the customer wants.

CRM Manager

CRM, or customer relationship management, is all about planning for how a business communicates with existing customers. In short, a CRM marketer’s primary goal is to get people who’ve previously bought from you to buy again.

A CRM marketer’s toolkit includes email marketing, SMS marketing and push notification marketing. As a company grows, you might decide to hire a specialist for each of these areas.

While it’s important to be flexible enough to respond to real-time data, a content calendar can be extremely useful to CRM professionals. Having pre-written promotional emails, for instance, scheduled to be sent out at future dates is a great way to reduce workload and maintain content quality.

Marketing Manager

While it’s important to have specialists on your team, your marketing department won’t function unless you’ve got someone tying it all together. This is where your marketing manager comes in.

When looking for a marketing manager, the first thing you want to look for is whether their leadership style matches your business’ culture. There’s nothing worse than a manager of a particular department clashing with the rest of the leadership team due to stylistic differences.

A marketing manager should also have a broad range of knowledge. While they don’t need to be experts in every technical detail, they do need to understand every area of marketing well enough to make sound decisions and have everyone pulling together towards the same goal.

The primary function of a business is to attract and keep buyers. Whatever product or service you’re selling, you cannot survive without customers. This is why it is so crucial to get your marketing right as a small business. Obviously, this requires building a team.

In this article, we’ve listed five key roles to fill in your marketing team as soon as possible. If you’re in charge of your own company, filling in these roles at the very beginning gives you a solid foundation to work from.