U.S. Sees Strengthening Of Relationship with India under Modi

"We have a trilateral dialogue with India on Afghanistan, specifically for co-ordination and sharing of information and making sure that we are working together, as we look at this transition and we look forward to consultations that we have on a periodic basis with India on a bilateral basis, on what we see happening in the region," she said.

Responding to questions on Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade issue, which threatened to derail the bilateral ties last November, Biswal said one of the lessons learnt by the U.S. is to have greater understanding and better co-ordination of information.

"Some of the lessons we have learnt are lessons of trying to have an advanced knowledge of understanding of how different events are going to unfold, which quite frankly we did not had an understanding of," she said.

Biswal said President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have conveyed the deep regard that the U.S. has for India, for its democracy and the civil society and the importance that they place on this relationship and how they look forward to engaging with India.

"We also recognize that any new government coming in needs the time and space to organize itself to set its priorities," she said, adding that the U.S. sees a great interest in supporting India's Look East engagement.

Source: PTI