U.S. Negotiating MoU with India On Women's Issues

"Tragically, even in the year 2014, the state of women around the world remains precarious. Every day women and girls endure horrific acts of violence in their homes and communities.

Women are raped, beaten, disfigured by acid, forcibly married, trafficked and sold as slaves," Boxer said. "They are denied basic rights such as the opportunity to get an education, to see a doctor, try to make a living outside of the home, simply because of their gender," she added.

In her testimony, Russell said gender-based violence, which we have seen splashed across the front pages of newspapers most recently in India, Nigeria, Pakistan as well as here in the United States is a global epidemic. "It crosses every social and economic class, ethnicity, race, religion, and education level, and transcends international borders. It takes the form of intimate partner violence, early and forced marriages, sexual violence, acid attacks, and traditional harmful practices such as female genital mutilation/cutting," she said.

"And it is widespread. Worldwide, an estimated one in three women will be physically or sexually abused in her lifetime, and one in five will experience rape or attempted rape. In some places, especially in conflict zones, these statistics are even higher.This violence doesn't only affect women and girls, but it threatens entire communities, precludes economic growth, and fuels cycles of violence and conflict," Russell said.

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Source: PTI