Top 10 Most Popular International Celebrities on Facebook

BANGALORE: Popularity in social media is often defined by the statistics obtained from followers. Facebook is still considered as a primal social network by many, yet other purpose specific platforms like Twitter, Instagram, 9Gag etc. often influence the trends in Facebook. While the most popular personalities belong to the media sector, several others have recently captured top spots as a result of their achievements and influence, reports 

Cristiano Ronaldo, Footballer
– this year augured auspiciousness for CR7; earned him the nomination to the Prestigious FIFA Ballon d’or; broke the record to become the highest scorer for Real Madrid; also witnessed the documentary film about him. Facebook is witness to the schism between his fans and that of Lionel Messi’s. Ronaldo is the first athlete to reach 100 million fans and has since been tagged as the ‘Captain of Facebook Pitch’.

Shakira, Singer, Song Writer
– Since the first post back in 2008, Shakira’s Facebook page has grown from 300k likes to a staggering 100 million plus, making it the first page ever to do so.   The Colombian multilingual singer’s long term association with the FIFA World Cup amongst her vivid performance propelled her Facebook fan base surpassing that of popular artists like Rihanna. She has since been tagged as the ‘Queen of Facebook’.

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